Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Muscular System Oral Review!

It took us a while but Mecca the Great is finally wrapping up her chapter on the Muscular System, Instead of just doing a chapter test I decided to go for an oral narration approach. Some of you who are familiar with the Charlotte Mason or Classical Education approach to education know the important role narration plays in helping the student develop the ability to reason with the content and teach back what they know. We still have a model of how muscles work and a few more end chapter questions to finish up before we move to our next body system. But I am very please with her progress thus far. Here is the video of our informal oral review. You can hear her siblings in the background listening to cartoons. 


  1. Excellent Job Mecca! You taught me so much! You are a great midwife in the making.

    1. I told her what you said. She said thank you very much.
